AffloVest is the CLEAR choice in airway clearance.
In a recent study, participants overwhelmingly preferred AffloVest over bladder style vests for comfort, auditory experience, lifestyle and use around others.
The blinded study was conducted by an independent research firm using this methodology:
- 30 participants were randomized by vest type and order of usage.
- Each participant used an AffloVest and one other air bladder style vest.
- They were provided with 15 minutes of therapy for each vest.
Participants were interviewed using standardized, qualitative questions about their experiences.
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Corporate Office:
3701 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Phone: 800.575.1900
Fax: 866.569.1912
For product support, please contact your Durable Medical Equipment provider first.